Sunday, March 15, 2009

Married Dating

Leslie and I have now entered the fun and yet different world of married dating. Amid chemistry tests and other various time consuming college studies, we make sure to squeeze in some fun activities too. We really enjoyed bowling, playing games, and going out to dinner with Megan and Aaron Kinghorn and Ammie and Brent Page. This last weekend we went to the famous Big Judd's near Rexburg with Megan and Aaron. Of course I had to order the famous Big Judd burger which weighed in at a respective 1lb. Although I wasn't able to finish off the burger, we had a great time! We are excited to go down to Utah, but we are going to miss the friends we have made here in Rexburg.


  1. Hi Mike and Les,

    That is so great that you guys are still dating. What a great habit to start now. I love the pics. You make such a cute couple. We love you guys! Thanks for keeping us posted!

  2. Hey I just found your blog! How fun that you guys are all going on dates! We are coming up in April maybe to bring Carson's brother up, we should get together - or I guess you guys are moving down this way so maybe then we can do something. Hope you guys are loving being married!! It is great huh!

  3. I want the burger that Mike got...mmmm. Looks delicious.
